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2024 Predictive Ag Report Warns Midwest Growers of Emerging Threats

July 25, 2024

●      The 2024Predictive Ag Report can be downloaded from Pattern Ag, the leading soilmetagenomics company.

●      Pattern Ag’sreport forecasts risks from damage caused by pests and pathogens that includecorn rootworm, soybean cyst nematodes, and Fusarium with 90% accuracy, a seasonin advance.

●      Pattern Aguses its massive soil metagenomics database to empower corn and soybean farmersto maximize their crop’s yield potential and profitability.

Armed with the 2024 Predictive Ag Report, released today by Pattern Ag, cornand soybean farmers can unlock the full potential of their crops, boosting bothyield and profitability. This powerful tool analyzes over 200 billion DNA readsfrom the world’s largest soil metagenomics database, predicting pest andpathogen threats with 90% accuracy up to a year in advance.

Packed into the 2024 Predictive Ag Report, Pattern Agunveils an Almanac pinpointing regions facing the highest risk of pest andpathogen outbreaks. Detailed maps within the Almanac forecast the severity ofinfestations based on insights gleaned from Pattern Ag’s extensive testingacross the Midwest.

“This year’s Predictive Ag report builds upon lastyear’s report, uncovering other hidden yield robbers found in Midwest corn andsoybean fields,” said Mike Tweedy, Vice President of Sales for Pattern Ag.

New for 2024 report are Foliar Pathogen maps thatprovide farmers with insights into what types of disease pressure they mayencounter during the growing season so they can be more strategic about theircrop scouting and crop protection efforts before damage occurs. Also includedare new Bio-Fertility maps that show the location and presence of non-pathogenslike excess water or beneficial microbes, for example, which can positively ornegatively affect yield outcomes.

According to Dr. Danielle Watts, Vice President of DataScience for Pattern Ag, the most undermanaged pathogen found across the Midwestin 2023 was Fusarium – a pathogen responsible for multiple yield-robbingdiseases capable of decreasing yields by as much as 30 bushels per acre whenleft unmanaged.

Another new feature is the Soil Productivity Index,which benchmarks the yield potential of a farmer’s field against similar fieldsin their region to let them know if they’re leaving yield potential on thetable. The maps and index give farmers the key data to select the best seedvarieties or traits possible, develop risk-mitigating crop rotation strategies,or make application decisions about biological controls.

“Pattern Ag can provide direct recommendations tofarmers about what they can or cannot manage to elicit better outcomes but alsoencourages producers to work directly with their seed dealer, agronomist, or agservice provider,” Tweedy said. “There are certain factors you don’t havecontrol over on your field and crops, but you can take action to increase yourfield’s fertility and protect it from pests and disease.”

This is the s0econd year for the Pattern Ag Predictive Ag Report – a valuable, freeresource helping corn and soybean farmers offset economic losses caused byyield-impacting pests, pathogens, and diseases. Copies of the 2024 PredictiveAg Report can be downloaded online at www.pattern.ag/predictive-ag-report.