the 360 PRO
Run our panels to predict your risks for next season.
Our 360 PRO gives you a complete physical, chemical, and biological analysis of your fields.
Contact us to run your full analysis & know exactly what you're facing before you plant.
Unlocking your yield potential with the 360 PRO.
Our soil analysis provides a complete view of your field's biological, physical, and chemical profile. Results are delivered on our dashboard, which provides comprehensive information on some of the most damaging below-ground pests, diseases, and biofertility measures, plus a high-resolution look at your field's nutrients.
Plan your most important input spend.
Previously, there was only one way to predict your risk of pest and disease: in-season scouting once symptoms appeared. Now, you can match the best seed to your field, protect your yield potential, find the next 10-20 bushels by knowing your field's biofertility, super-charge sub-field fertility planning, and address a field's compaction.

Our Solutions
Our 360 PRO combines the Complete Bio, plus the high-resolution NutrientMapperTM to provide predictive insights for the most economically damaging pests & diseases, along with your soil's biofertility, & a high-res nutrient analysis.
Plus, add TillMapperTM for a look at your soil's compaction. To learn more about it, click here.
-Foliar diseases.
-Key biofertility measures
Crop plan based on opportunities & threats.
-Micro: B, Cu, Fe, Mn, S, Zn
-Properties: pH, BpH, OM, CEC,
-Built-in nutrient Rx
10x10M grid = 100x the resolution of a 2.5/ac grid.
-0-18" depth: Layer for each in.
-Built-in Till Rx
TillMapperTM is exclusive to Pattern Ag.
Our Analytics

Above-ground: Tar Spot, Goss' Wilt, Northern Corn Leaf Blight, Gray Leaf Spot, Bacterial Leaf Streak of Corn, Diplodia Ear Rot

Above-ground: Soybean Cyst Nematode, Sudden Death Syndrome, Root-knot Nematode, Fusarium, Pythium, Rhizoctonia, White Mold, Phytophthora, Soybean Brown Stem Rot, Soybean Stem Canker, Charcoal Rot, Red Crown Rot

Above-ground: Fusarium Head Blight, Bacterial Leaf Streak of Wheat, Tan Spot, Rust

Above-ground: Fusarium Boll Rot, Target Spot, Bacterial Blight

Macro: P, K, Ca, Mg (add-on N)
Micro: B, Cu, Fe, Mn, S, Zn
Properties: ph, BpH, OM, CEC

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our dashboard
All your analytics in one place.
Our Dashboard provides you with comprehensive information on crop protection, fertility, and nutrients and even includes scripting. All this information in one place helps you streamline your customer's crop management program.
The Pattern Ag Grower's Initiative
Work with Pattern Ag to unlock new insights and innovations.
This innovative agricultural program at the forefront of pioneering technology in the farming industry. This groundbreaking initiative aims to revolutionize agriculture by enrolling forward-thinking growers in programs designed to develop cutting-edge solutions with tangible real-world applications geared towards improving field performance.
Some benefits include
- A free analysis of the field that is part of the study,
- A customized report on your field's results,
- A potential per-acre payment
For more information, call 800-933-8644
or email agronomy@pattern.ag